I just hate it when my T-84 jeep transmission acts up. Even if you know very little to nothing about mechanics you can rebuild the WW2 jeep transmission by following the steps in  Trouble Shooting And Rebuilding The T-84J.  Trust me if I can do it, you can do it!

 Trouble Shooting And Rebuilding The T-84J  by Robert Notman.

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Genre: AutomobilesPaperback: 158 pages
Description: Rebuild the T-84J WW2 jeep Transmission Yourself! 42FordGPW

Synopsis:Trouble Shooting and Rebuilding The T-84J Transmission is an aide designed to help the novice to decide whether or not to rebuild the T-84J themselves. It covers all sorts of “tricks” and “how-to’s” for tearing down, cleaning, inspecting and then assembling the rebuilt transmission. You will learn trouble shooting tips. Why is your transmission jumping out of gear? Is the T-84J really supposed to be noisy? And much, much more! You also might be interested in the CD version–to see a live action version of what is going on in the book.

Book Details: · Paperback: 158 pages · Binding: Wire-O · Publisher: Robert Notman (August 2004)

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