WW2 Pilot–The Ford Pygmy

by Robert Notman

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Genre: U.S. GovernmentPaperback: 56 pages

Description: A photo book exploring the details of the Ford pilot in the race to build jeeps

Synopsis: Explore just about every inch of the Ford pilot Pygmy in photographs and essay. This is one of only two of the original “jeep” pilots known to have survived through today. The other is the Budd bodied Ford pilot. The author had full access to the jeeps in the Veterans Memorial Museum of Huntsville, Alabama. The Ford pilot is an amazing vehicle. See the engine, inside the body and underneath. Tons of detail. Check it out!

Book Details:
· Paperback: 56 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: Robert Notman (May 2005)


Army Jill says, ” I just love getting and giving  WW2 jeep gifts.  Don’t you?”

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