Army Jill on Four Jills in a Jeep on DVD

Army Jill on Four Jills in a Jeep on DVD

What’s not to like?  What GI isn’t going to love looking at four attractive women? And then of course there’s the star of the movie–the Jeep!

Four Jills in a Jeep - DVD

Four Jills in a Jeep – DVD

Four Jills in a Jeep on DVD.  This star studded musical is a cinematic tribute to the successful USO tour of Kay Francis, Martha Raye, Mitzi Mayfair and Carole Landis who entertained soldiers from England to North Africa. Embellished with some fictional romance, striking choreography and plenty of laughs, this patriotic film salutes all the entertainers who did their part for “the boys.” Includes special appearances by Alice Faye, Betty Grable, Carmen Miranda, George Jessel and the Jimmy Doresy Orchestra.   The film is from 1942.
Four Jills in a Jeep – Publicity still.

See the blog Film Noir Photos for a bit more!